Our biosolids services are compliant with the Biosolids Assurance Scheme and are fully auditable.
Biosolids is a term used for treated sewage sludge which has been routinely applied to agricultural land across the UK for several decades. Biosolids are dark brown cakes or sludges, which farmers use for arable or grass production for their high levels of phosphate and other plant nutrients as well as a source of valuable organic matter.
4R provide long-term and ad hoc recycling services for water companies, to recycle their biosolids and other sewage treatment outputs. We provide land bank surveys, land-finding services, full recycling and storage services as well as lime-treatment of raw cakes and sludges with our volumetric mixer under our bespoke treatment licences.
Biosolids have historically been applied to land under the Sludge (Use in Agriculture) Regulations 1989. This is set to change. All biosolids are due to come under the Environmental Permitting Regulations by 2023. This will mean that all biosolids being spread to land will require prior approval by the regulator. Click here for the latest updates.

Get in touch with us for more information.