4R Commence Restoration Operations on Rossington Spoil Tip
Along with major industrial and housing developments in the area 4R Group has now commenced the restoration and remediation of the Rossington Spoil tip in South Yorkshire.
The 55 hectare spoil tip was previously washed to recover coal reserves and the tip, where nothing grows on the compacted, slightly acidic spoil is a big, black blot on the local landscape.
Using blends of Environment Agency approved “waste” materials, this is a tried and tested means of restoring such sites developed by the 4R Soil Science and Operations teams over many years and is carried out without the need to spend public money.
This is the latest of over a 1,000 hectares of such sites we have worked on creating “Soil from Spoil”.
There are numerous legacy spoil tips which remain unrestored across former coal field areas. These have the potential to cause pollution to nearby properties, watercourses and are often unsightly and attract antisocial behaviour i.e. off-road motor bike activity. 4R would welcome the opportunity to talk to landowners and land managers of these sites to show the improvements we can make and demonstrate how the environmental risks from these sites can be reduced at little or no cost.