Composts are great sources of valuable organic matter, and greatly improve the physical structure of soils as well as provide key plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium that slowly release over time.
Farmers and growers rely on bulky organic amendments such as compost to maintain their soil health.
Green waste composts, or ‘source-segregated’ composts can be classified as ‘wastes’ or ‘products’ depending on their certification status, and we provide producers of both types with trusted outlets for their materials. We can also provide storage and screening for a range of green wastes.
Our own FACTS qualified 4R Environmental Consultants complete all the necessary due diligence for landspreading and storage, and will complete deployment submissions, regulator liaison and obtain approval where required.
The Compost QP is currently under review by the Environment Agency. This could mean that PAS100 certified materials may eventually need a deployment of a landspreading permit before being spread to land. Click here for the latest updates.

Get in touch with us for more information.